Quite and unusual site coming from the sky today. Its snow! This is highly unusual for Henryetta, Oklahoma in the early Spring. I can only recall snow this late one other time and it was in April of 1968...when I was four! I believe it was the 2nd of April, my parents 13th anniversary.
Here are some random shots from around the neighborhood (you can click each pic for a larger view)...
Many trees already have leaves. In this shot you can see the seed pods on my maple tree and the flowers on the redbud in the background.
The kid running on the right side of the pic is my 13 year old son, Aaron.
It is above freezing out there, thankfully, or we would have much more than the current three inches on the ground. Its still coming down hard! The main roads are staying clear thanks to the warm ground temps and plenty of traffic, but it is accumulating a bit on the side streets...like right here in front of my house...
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